The Brickowner investment platform is comprised of two investment entities:
Brickowner Investments Ltd
Brickowner IM Ltd.
Brickowner Investments Limited is a self-managed Small Alternative Investment Fund that is registered with the Financial Conduct Authority under reference number 775256.
Brickowner IM Limited is a Small Alternative Investment Fund Manager that is registered with the Financial Conduct Authority under reference number 938380.
This registration is different from being authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority, so we are not, for example, subject to the conduct of business rules that apply to authorised firms.
Like all non-deposit and insurance investments, the investments issued by Brickowner are not guaranteed by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme.
If you have any complaint about our services, we will attempt to resolve it quickly, but you have no rights to complain to the Financial Ombudsman Service in the event that we are unable to resolve it.